
Product details

Hi-Fi Components / Accessories

Telos Audio Telos GNR NUOVO

grounding noise reducer

GNR normally provides multiple module consists of capacitors, resistors, inductors and components which generate eddy current. After this filtering process, the devices’ grounding cables will then be channeled to the Centralized Switching Control Unit. This process will prevent noise from devices from cross contaminating and will allow each device to have similar zero grounding potential. The Environmental Potential Generation Circuit is dependent on the device’s environment and together with the “Live” and “Neutral” phase of the power supply mains, a potential difference will then be generated. The analogue digital sampling circuit (ADC) changes this potential difference into a digital signal which is then mathematically processed by a microprocessor. The microprocessor will then determine the power supply mains; the “Live” and “Neutral” phase before activating the Centralized Switching Control Unit to implement the correct change, allowing the unified devices zero potential to be connected to the power supply mains grounding potential again for an absolute reference zero potential. This will result in system’s stability and low noise zero grounding potential. This is effective in preventing grounding error; which causes signals interference and lacking in points for connection to devices. The circuit architecture is reflected as below. Every point has an independent noise filtering module which will first convert noise from each connected device into heat to be dissipated. The noise filtering fidelity.

€ 6000

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